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Pakbus networking

Jitesh May 17, 2012 01:34 PM


I have 2 loggers in very close proximity but only one maestro modem so I want to connect the 2 loggers together to be able to utilize the 1 modem...

I have one configured as (pakbus address - 1) and the other (pakbus address - 2)

On Logger 1 and 2, I have C1, Baudrate at 9600fixed and C2 as 9600 fixed. Should i make changes to the beacon interval and range... Referring to the post below, should i enable the IS router and what should the SDC baudrate be changed to.

How will the wiring work, should I connect C1 of logger 1 to C2 of logger 2 and C2 of logger 1 to C1 of logger 2..

Please could someone assist me..

See thread below for similar post..

* Last updated by: Jitesh on 5/17/2012 @ 7:36 AM *

GaryTRoberts May 17, 2012 07:32 PM

Yes, you should be able to do what you are purposing.

I would up the baud rate on Com1 (which is C1{Tx} and C2{Rx}) on both the dataloggers to run faster. 115.2K Fixed should work just fine. (setup under the ComPorts Settings tab in Device Configuration Utility)

A beacon interval setting of 600 and a verify interval of 1200 for these comports should work well. You can always increase them or decrease them depending on how reliable the connection is between the two.

The datalogger that is connected to the modem will have to set as a router (Is Router setting).

You then connect one wire from datalogger #1 from C1 to datalogger #2's C2. Another wire from datalogger #1's C2 to datalogger #2's C1.

Then you should be good to go.

Jitesh May 18, 2012 07:54 AM

Hi Gary

Thank you for your reply..
I've done the above things... I'm not sure about the baud rates though because my modem only works when the RS232 baud is set to 9600. Should I set the COM 1 to 9600 fixed as well or leave it at 115.2k fixed.

And what about the range, under which port should I add the range... From what I understand the logger will only look for a neighbour if the range is configured. (I could be wrong)..

What should the SDC Baud rate be under the IS Router settings, and should the RS232 port be enabled "always on"

I also need some help configuring the logger on logger net. At the moment, I have it set like this:
TAPIPort >> TAPIRemote >>>>PakBusPort >> Logger 1, Logger 2

Logger 1 connects fine, but when i go to logger 2 it dials the modem and Logger 1(I suppose because the modem is connected to logger 1) but it does not get to logger 2 and fails (Pakbus framing error "Invalid low level signature", "set comm mask failed" 6, "unreachable destination, get logger program status")


GaryTRoberts May 18, 2012 03:50 PM

You can leave the Com1 baud rate at 115.2k. All the "ports" on the datalogger can operate at different baud rates and won't effect the operations of the other ports.

You can set the ranges on both dataloggers for the Com1 port, but it should not be needed. The range on datalogger # would be 2 to 2 and the second datalogger would be 1 to 1. This means that they will only talk to each other on Com1.

You can leave the SDC Baud rate at the default setting. It won't effect anything we are doing here. I would leave RS-232 always on for now.

To talk with logger #2 with Loggernet, go into setup and move Logger #2 underneath Logger #1 so it looks like this:
TAPIPort >> TAPIRemote >>>>PakBusPort >> Logger #1 >> Logger #2

You can drag Logger #2 on top of Logger #1 in Setup and it will accomplish this.

Then you should be able to connect to Logger #2.


Jitesh May 22, 2012 06:31 AM

Hi Gary,

I just wanted to thank you for your assistance.. I've managed to network my loggers with just the one modem...

Amazing stuff!!

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