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Using Alias on a control port in CRBasic

MortenS May 14, 2012 11:50 AM


Is it posible to use an Alias or Const on a controlport ?

I think like this:
Alias PortSet(1,1) = MoterON

jra May 14, 2012 04:54 PM

You can use a Variable in the State parameter of the PortSet instruction like this:
Public MotorOn As Boolean
PortSet (1,MotorOn)

FYI - in the CRBasic editor put your cursor in one of the parameters of any instruction, press F1. That brings up the help about that particular parameter. Note the "Type" of entry expected; some can take Constants, Variables or Expressions.

Does that help?


MortenS Jun 14, 2012 07:56 AM

Hi Janet

Sorry for the late reply.
I can use your example.


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