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callback for send program to CR1000

smile Apr 16, 2012 09:13 PM

Hi to All,

A CR1000 is connected to the internet via a satellite kit Tooway and hourly sends data to an ftp site.
Since the connection Tooway is via private IP address, loggernet can not reach the CR1000.
It is possible use the callback or other function to establish the connection from the CR1000 to Loggernet on a PC connected to the internet with a public address?
If yes, it will possibile to have the CR1000 on-line at intervals, to change the program, clock, monitor the locations etc etc.

Thanks for the suggestions to do this type of callback


* Last updated by: smile on 4/16/2012 @ 11:43 PM *

Sam Apr 18, 2012 05:06 AM

Yes. You can have the logger open a connection back to LoggerNet. As you have pointed out this is particularly popular and helpful for those customers who have LN at a known public IP address and the logger behind a firewall or with a dynamic IP.

Two root types in LoggerNet Setup can be used / configured for such a task. Your first choice should be "PakBus TCP Server". The second would be "IPPort". PakBusTCPServer was created with this very type of situation in mind. It allows multiple loggers to open a connection with LN over the same IP address and port number.

1) Add "PakBusTCPServer" root to your network map.
2) Check PakBus Port Always Open
3) Note that the default port for inbound comms is 6785.
4) Add the logger's PB address to the list of "Maintained Nodes" on the "Routing" tab if you want to maintain a connection with the logger once communications have been established.
5) Add the logger under the PakBusTCPServer, in your case a CR1000.
6) I suggest adding a delay hangup of maybe 10 seconds
7) Configure your logger to open a connection back to your LN's IP address on port 6785. The simplest way is to use Device Configuration Utility to set the PakBus/TCP Client setting which will cause the logger to continually maintain a connection back to the IP:Port specified in the setting. Alternatively you can use the TCPOpen() instruction to open a connection back to LN under program control.

* Last updated by: Sam on 4/17/2012 @ 11:08 PM *

smile Apr 18, 2012 05:31 PM

Thanks Sam, I start immediately with the tests

smile Apr 23, 2012 08:08 AM

Hi to All
I am inexperienced in networks.
If is possible I groped to solve the problem by myself.
The PC where runs LN is connected to a router that assigns a private IP address for office LAN, which of course, not is the public IP that the CR1000 tries to contact.
Which way should I follow for solving this problem?
Who can give me some help?

Many thanks


jtrauntvein Apr 23, 2012 01:39 PM

Since the datalogger is inside a private network, it would appear to me that you have one of two choices:

1 - convince the manager of the office LAN to add a port forwarding rule to the router that will forward datalogger TCP communication to the computer hosting LoggerNet.

2 - Place a device, such as an NL200, on a public network connection. This device will act as a PakBus/TCP server and allow both the LoggerNet instance as well as the datalogger to communicate with each other.

smile Apr 24, 2012 06:17 AM

The CR1000 is ON LINE. I created a simple (easier than expected) rule in the router.

Many Thanks


wlcable May 9, 2012 05:09 PM

I have a very similar situation where I have a cell modem (Raven XT GPRS) that I am only able to get a private dynamic IP address for. Since I can't call the modem via it's IP and port as I do with others I need to enable callback. I think I understand all the setup with the exception of Loggernet. I am assuming the "PakBusTCPServer" is something new in Loggernet 4? I only have Loggernet 3.4, could someone give an example of how the setup would look using an "IPPort" as the root?


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