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Variable out of bounds ?

EddyCO2 Apr 14, 2012 02:00 AM

Probably an easy one but I just can't figure it out...

I am modifying an Eddy Covariance program so that CSAT3 is measured using SDM and not analog connexion. I have changed the line for the SDM measurements but I am now getting an error message that says : Variable wind_raw out of bounds. when I compile the program.

What does that mean exactly?


willB Apr 17, 2012 06:38 PM

The Variable Out-of-Bounds error occurs when a program tries to write to an array variable outside of its declared size. A programming error causes this, so it should not be ignored.

When the datalogger detects that a write outside
of an array is being attempted it does not perform the write and increments the VarOutOfBound field in the status table.

Dana Apr 18, 2012 04:31 PM

One handy thing to note if you get a Variable Out of Bounds error and cannot determine which variable is causing the problem... The InstructionTimes instruction can be used in the program to return the name of the culprit Variable (see the CRBasic help).


* Last updated by: Dana on 4/18/2012 @ 10:23 AM *

EddyCO2 Apr 18, 2012 04:45 PM


Problem solved!

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