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CR1000 over GPRS - Intermittent connection

julien55 Mar 30, 2012 10:56 AM


We encountered a problem when we first installed our CR1000, and it has been the same since then.

We use a wavecom fastrack modem connected to an SC105 interface and then to the CR1000.

We used a fixed private IP address provided by the SIM card's supplier.(over vodafone network)

When a program is uploaded on the logger, the modem turns on, and the light is flashing. We can reach the logger remotely for 20 to 30 minutes, even collect our readings, and then nothing. After that, loggernet can't reach the logger anymore.

I was thinking that this may be because of the connection that must be held, but I am not familiar with CR1 basic.
I went through the forum and I saw commands like "TCPOPEN" and "TCPCLOSE", could it be something like that we should use ?

In the end, we would like to fix that and send the data every hour to an FTP website.

Here is the main program of our CR1000. I just added this morning the SW12(1) and SW12(0) to mimic a reset of the whole logger.

There are two rod extensometers and two In place Inclinometer strings wired to that logger.

Thanks in advance


'Main Program
SW12 (1 ) 'Power ON to Modem
' Set up coms for AVW 200
SerialOpen (Com1,38400,4,0,50)
' Set up Coms for IPI's
SerialOpen (Com2,115200,0,10000,100)
SerialFlush (Com2)
Delay (0,50,mSec)
SerialOut (Com2,"MODE 0"+CHR(13),"",1,0)'Put RS485 interface into MODE 0 --> Tiltmeters

'Set IPI Base Readings
'Set VW Base Readings
'Set VW Cal Figures

'Serial Numbers for Sensors (Split into boreholes 1 to 2)

STR_NO(1,1) = 33490
STR_NO(1,2) = 33491
STR_NO(1,3) = 33492
STR_NO(1,4) = 33493
STR_NO(1,5) = 33494
STR_NO(1,6) = 33495
STR_NO(1,7) = 33496
STR_NO(1,8) = 33497
STR_NO(1,9) = 33498
STR_NO(1,10) = 33499
STR_NO(1,11) = 33500
STR_NO(1,12) = 33501
STR_NO(1,13) = 33502
STR_NO(1,14) = 33503
STR_NO(1,15) = 33504
STR_NO(1,16) = 33505

STR_NO(2,1) = 33506
STR_NO(2,2) = 33507
STR_NO(2,3) = 33508
STR_NO(2,4) = 33509
STR_NO(2,5) = 33510
STR_NO(2,6) = 33511
STR_NO(2,7) = 33512
STR_NO(2,8) = 33513
STR_NO(2,9) = 33514
STR_NO(2,10) = 33515
STR_NO(2,11) = 33516
STR_NO(2,12) = 33517
STR_NO(2,13) = 33518
STR_NO(2,14) = 33519
STR_NO(2,15) = 33520
STR_NO(2,16) = 33521

NO_of_Sensors(1) = 16
NO_of_Sensors(2) = 16

Scan (60,Min,0,0)

Delay (0,50,Sec)

Delay (0,10,Sec)

Battery (batt_volt)

' Read IPI's

PortSet (5,1 )' Turn on Fleximux 1

For y = 1 To 2
PulsePort (8,5000)'clock Mux's
Delay (0,5,Sec)'string power up delay

For i = 1 To NO_of_Sensors(y)
Chan ="@@"+STR_NO(y,i)+CHR(32)
Call (cmd_read)
Delay (0,300,mSec)
Next i
Delay (0,4,Sec)
For i = 1 To NO_of_Sensors(y)
Chan ="@@"+STR_NO(y,i)+CHR(32)
Call (read_mems)
Call (Parse_Data)
Delay (0,300,mSec)
Next i

'**************************** ERROR CHECK *********************************************
For i = 1 To NO_of_Sensors(y)
If Tilt_A(y,i)=0 OR Tilt_B(y,i)=0 OR Temp(y,i)=0 Then
For z = 1 To 3 'Number of retries
Chan ="@@"+STR_NO(y,i)+CHR(32)
Call (error_ck)
If Tilt_A(i)<>0 AND Tilt_B(i)<>0 AND Temp(i)<>0 Then
Next z
Next i
'Call correct table for the borehole just read
If y = 1 Then
CallTable T1
CallTable T2

Next y

PortSet (5,0) ' Turn off Fleximux 1

' Read VW Extensometers
PortSet (6,1) 'Turn on fleximux's 2 and 3
Delay (0,50,mSec)
For i = 11 To 12
PulsePort (8 ,10000) 'Advance to the next multiplexer location
Delay (0,10,mSec)
AVW200 (AVW_Result,Com1,0,200,Dest(),1,1,1,1400,2800,2,_50Hz,1,0)
Freq(i) = Dest(1)
Next i
For i = 1 To 3
PulsePort (8,10000)
Delay (0,50,mSec)
Next i
For i = 1 To 10
PulsePort (8 ,10000) 'Advance to the next multiplexer location
Delay (0,10,mSec)
AVW200 (AVW_Result,Com1,0,200,Dest(),1,1,1,1400,2800,2,_50Hz,1,0)
Freq(i) = Dest(1)
Next i
PortSet (6,0) 'Turn off fleximux's 2 and 3
CallTable T3

julien55 Mar 30, 2012 11:16 AM

A quick precision :

The previous program I uploaded this morning seems to do the job. Every hour the modem is turned off and on again.

However, this method is a bit brutal, and if someone can clarify, it will be greatly appreciated.

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