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Measure 30mV DC in 25mV range

MortenS Mar 30, 2012 07:49 AM


I'm using a CR10 Diff input to measure a KE12 oxygen sensor. It outputs 0-30mV. Later as it's wearing out (like a battery) it goes below 25mV and I can use the +-25mV range. Thats fine.

But before it drops below 25mV I'm using the 250mV range. But here, the resulotion is 33.3uV (3.33uV in 25mV range).

Is it posible to use the actual bandwith in the +-25mV range that is 50mV ?

I can do it using some op-amps by making a new zero point but at that low voltage it's delicated to noise.
Maybe a simple voltage divider using resistors that squeses the output to fit into the range. But again, I will lose some resolution.

The room temperatur is fixed at 20deg celsius.

* Last updated by: MortenS on 3/30/2012 @ 1:40 AM *

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