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problem sending new program file

uta Mar 28, 2012 01:03 PM


I have problems to send a new program file to a CR1000.

I get the following error message
Communication Log
"2012-03-27 12:20:43 PM","CR1000_LAE01","F","Invalid key value"
"2012-03-27 12:20:43 PM","CR1000_LAE01","F","transaction failure","unknown failure","file send"

I can receive data and also download the actual program without problems.
I also did sent updated program files several times before without any problems.
The new program file has just a small change in a constant value.
Const Interval = 4 'interval in hours
Const Interval = 2 'interval in hours

The program compiled fine in the CRBasic editor.

Any ideas what can be the problem?

I have a remote connection with a cellular phone modem. I have no possibility to connect directly with a serial cable because of its remote location.



h20bug Apr 14, 2012 02:25 AM

I have had a similar problem when sending a new program to a CR1000. My connection would be broken and I'd see an "Invalid key value" error.

Your memory allocated for programs may be full.

Try reconnecting and delete some of your older programs by navigating to Datalogger > File Control >Delete.

Then send your program again. This worked for me.


uta Apr 17, 2012 12:28 PM

Thank you so much. This helps!!


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