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Station Name

BobCrane86 Mar 16, 2012 06:22 AM

I download data from CR1000 Loggers using LoggerNet's custom Collect function.

I need to save data tables such that the second column of the TOA5 environment line gives the unique Station Name of the CR1000 and not the name of connection as defined in LoggerNet.

From the literature (Table 34 of CR1000 Manual) it seems that this is in fact how it should happen. What am I doing wrong?

Dana Mar 16, 2012 03:44 PM

The information in that table is not very clear (we'll get that changed). From page 175 of the manual, discussing program declarations:

Sets the station name internal to the CR1000. Does not affect data files produced by support software.

The Station Name in the data file header is the LoggerNet station name. The Station Name set in the Status table (by typing it directly or using SetStatus in a program), can be sampled into a table using data table access syntax:

Sample (1,Status.StationName,String)


Dana Mar 16, 2012 03:59 PM

One thing I just checked... If you use the TableFile instruction in a data table to write that table to a CRD or USR drive, the header for that file contains the StationName that you have set internally to the datalogger.

LoggerNet has a File Retrieval tab on the Setup window, that can be used to retrieve files stored on the datalogger to the PC.

Dana W.

GTProdMgr Mar 16, 2012 04:59 PM

The "Use Reported Station Name" checkbox in the Collect Data tab of RTDAQ will create headers with the Status Table station name as you are requesting (when checked/activated).

TweedleDee Mar 20, 2012 12:59 PM

I think a little clarification is needed.

Table 34 shows the Table header as stored in the logger. So if you retrieve a Card or pull the data as Dana described above, it shows the "Station Name" that is local to the logger. But , as the StationName help states:
"Note: This station name is different than the station name that is stored in the header of a COLLECTED data file. The station name found in the *.dat file header is the name assigned to the station in the datalogger communication software's device map. " (I capitalized "collected" to emphasize and should note that this is true for the "Data Collection" routine of all of CSI's software except RTDaq - where you have the option)

So, if you collect the Data Table via LoggerNet, the Station Name stored in the file header is the station name setup in the software.

As, Richard pointed out, RTDaq gives you the option to use the logger's internal Station Name in the headers of collected Data Tables. This was implemented because the users of the CR5000 and CR9000 were use to this function with CSI's older software packages and needed it for specific applications.

* Last updated by: TweedleDee on 3/20/2012 @ 7:03 AM *

BobCrane86 Mar 20, 2012 10:51 PM

Thanks everyone for the quick response.

Unfortunatly it appears that what I wanted to do is not actually possible. That is to have consistency between data tables sent to an FTP server (from files saved to USR) and data tables downloaded via LoggerNet.

It's a bit of a shame LoggerNet can't "use reported Station Name" as RTDAQ does.

Thanks again

Dana Mar 21, 2012 03:26 PM

A solution so that your Station Names will match is to rename the stations in LoggerNet to the name that you have given the datalogger as its Status.StationName (or, vice versa).

RTDAQ is a bit of a different beast than LoggerNet. You can connect to only one datalogger at a time, and all data collection is manual. The scenario that the "Use Station Name" feature was developed for is a customer who sets up one datalogger in the network map, and then uses that one station setup to visit multiple dataloggers and collect data. This scenario does not apply in LoggerNet, because you set up a different station for each logger in the network map, and data collection typically takes place on a schedule.

We can consider it for a future version, but I can't make any promises. There may be ramifications that would cause more problems than they solve.

Dana W.

BobCrane86 Mar 22, 2012 02:03 AM

Unfortunatley that is not really the best option for our operation. Our fleet of CR1000s (which are housed inside oceanographic instruments) change location and IP address regularly. I don't feel comfortable relying on everyone (myself included) being vigilant enough to remember to manually change the StationNames in LoggerNet every time that the Loggers change location.

Thanks Again,


aps Mar 22, 2012 09:32 AM

Pending any change in a future option. One workaround would be to collect the same files which are sent for ftp (I guess normally sent elsewhere) using the file retrieval option built into later versions of Loggernet.

Of course this does not give you as powerful collection options as you normally get with Loggernet collecting the table data directly.

An alternative is to post process the data using a custom program (I am pretty sure it is beyond Split) by collecting the status table and the normal tables and reconstruct the files with the station name read out of the status table.

* Last updated by: aps on 3/22/2012 @ 3:55 AM *

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