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Trigger logger program export to DB

AMK Mar 11, 2012 06:49 AM

I thought I read somewhere that the program associated with a data set can be imported to a database every time (or on a schedule) a new program is sent to the logger. Am I imagining this feature? For example associating a saving a logger program responsible for a period of data would be super useful if we ever need to back calculate values.


Dana Mar 12, 2012 08:26 PM

If using a file format that outputs headers (e.g., TOA5),the program name is saved as part of that header. Thus, your data files stored by LoggerNet will have this info in the header.

There is also a status table variable that contains the program name. This variable can be sampled into a data table or used as the result of a variable; e.g.,

DataTable (Table,True,1000)


Dim MyProg as String * 20

Dana W.

AMK Mar 14, 2012 05:30 PM

Hi Dana,
This is super helpful and will totally work! However, we use loggers of the CR10x and CR23x vintage. Can we hard code these features into the older loggers? We're looking to define a site_id (string), program_name (from status table), and logger serial number (logger specific) to be output with each record.

Also, related, the LN application to convert EdLog to CRBasic is great, but is there a CRbasic to Edlog conversion program?


Dana Mar 14, 2012 08:28 PM

The mixed array dataloggers (CR10x, etc), do not have a Status table, and don't support any kind of syntax to access data in final storage, other than redirecting output data back to an input location (see instruction 80, Set Active Storage Area).

Edlog does have the ability to assign an ID to a station, and then save that ID into an input location (see instruction 117 Read ID).

Instruction 139 will let you store a program signature.

The transformer was designed to help people who had mixed-array programs change those over to our "newer" datalogger programming language. We have not created a tool to convert the other direction. You might want to look at using SCWin.

Dana W.

AMK Mar 14, 2012 08:43 PM

Thanks Dana,
I was just reading about this this morning. I guess that gives us another good reason to upgrade. Thanks for the response.


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