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LoggerNet (windows) as a background process?

jankplus Mar 6, 2012 03:59 PM

We have a windows version of LoggerNet running on a Win7 computer in the field, communicating with an offshore CR1000 via two RF401s. The computer automatically logs in to a default account on reboot and LoggerNet is set up to start up (minimized) on login.

The problem with this setup is that the lab people sometimes use that computer for other things, and occasionally they will have someone there who isn't familiar with LoggerNet. So they'll notice the open window and happily close it down, which interrupts the refreshing of data tables on that computer.

My quick question is this: is there a clever way that LoggerNet can run on a Win7 machine completely in the background, with no evidence of open windows to a casual user? I haven't tried asking Mr. Google this yet (and I'm not a bigtime user of MS Windows) so please be gentle if there's a really obvious solution for things like this.

Mike J+

Dana Mar 6, 2012 04:39 PM

LoggerNet Admin can be set up to run as a service, which would accomplish what you mention.

There is upgrade pricing from the standard LoggerNet to the Admin version. Contact your local CSI office for pricing if you are interested.

Dana W.

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