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Searches on the Forum

dryden Mar 5, 2012 05:32 PM

I notice that when I search my user name "dryden", I only obtain 2 of the 3 [becoming 4] threads that I have submitted to the forum.

'Detection of Program Load on CR1000' is missing.

Is this the proper forum for webmaster comments?

ChipsNSalsa Mar 5, 2012 06:11 PM

There should be a "Feedback" link at the bottom-right of the web page. That's your pipeline to the webmaster.

Admin Mar 5, 2012 06:11 PM

Hi dryden,

You can send comments like this through the Help link on the top right of forum pages or through the Feedback link on the bottom right.

We'll look into the issue you mentioned above.

dryden Mar 5, 2012 09:55 PM

I'll try to remember & use the Feedback link. I looked but did not see it. Thank you.

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