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CR1000 connet PT-100 3 wier

foxly Mar 3, 2012 08:06 AM

Dear all,

I am working on PT-100 3-wire connet CR1000

CR1000→PT-100 3-Wire

Hi→ A

Lo→ no connet

G→ B

G→ B

A.B bridging 1K Ohm.

Connet So correctly ??

Thanks campbell all

* Last updated by: foxly on 3/3/2012 @ 1:52 AM *

Nico Mar 3, 2012 06:16 PM

prob not correct..

You need to send a constant current through the temperature depended resistor (PT100) to measure a voltage drop that will correlate with the temperature.

See CS 3-wire half bridge module that does exactly that:

And then read the CR200 manual about bridge measurements on page 41:

foxly Mar 5, 2012 01:31 AM

Dear Nico

Thanks you

I will try connet.

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