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Using Split 2.6 to divide large data files into 24hour data files

StephanieNUIM Feb 29, 2012 04:10 PM


I would like to use the Split program to divide large data files (approx. 5GB or 6 weeks) into smaller, more easily analyzed files (i.e. 24 hour periods). My version of LoggerNet is relatively old (LoggerNet 3.4.1 and Split 2.6) but it is all I have to work with.

I am recording data at a frequency of 10Hz using a CR3000 and NL115. I want to split the large datasets into 24hour data files for flux processing but I am having no joy, a sample of my data is below including the header,

"2010-11-27 05:05:33.8",376201720,1.19375,1.206,0.16125,0.7920532,572.8367,6.092148,"NAN",99.88811,0,-9.46353,0.2839645
"2010-11-27 05:05:33.9",376201721,1.20875,1.2035,0.08425,0.8036499,573.0999,6.094578,"NAN",99.89777,0,-9.358082,0.2865447
"2010-11-27 05:05:34",376201722,1.3395,1.15475,0.115,0.783844,573.213,6.09756,"NAN",99.88811,0,-9.438423,0.2844805
"2010-11-27 05:05:34.1",376201723,1.30925,1.11525,0.114,0.8135376,573.346,6.099716,"NAN",99.8621,0,-9.40662,0.2852328
"2010-11-27 05:05:34.2",376201724,1.234,1.1315,0.07375,0.816864,573.2751,6.095069,"NAN",99.88811,0,-9.389883,0.2856435
"2010-11-27 05:05:34.3",376201725,1.25225,1.16925,0.06925,0.7937317,573.4069,6.101789,"NAN",99.88811,0,-9.356407,0.286406
"2010-11-27 05:05:34.4",376201726,1.28675,1.133,0.09150001,0.7788696,573.3206,6.096774,"NAN",99.87175,0,-9.398252,0.2858124
"2010-11-27 05:05:34.5",376201727,1.148,1.14525,0.0335,0.8152161,573.2344,6.098159,"NAN",99.8621,0,-9.418337,0.284895
"2010-11-27 05:05:34.6",376201728,1.19525,1.06875,0.0775,0.8085938,573.1026,6.094096,"NAN",99.89777,0,-9.286108,0.2880324
"2010-11-27 05:05:34.7",376201729,1.34625,0.941,0.09200001,0.8036499,573.0602,6.101928,"NAN",99.89777,0,-9.239243,0.2892773

I have defined the data in a .PAR file and followed the instructions from the help menu to try to split the data according to a start stop condition. An example of my attempt is as follows:
Start condition: 1[2010-12-24 23:30:00.1]
Stop condition: 1[2010-12-25 23:30:00.1]

Also it deems the date stamp as bad data despite assigning 30 as the column width for element 1.
Any suggestions that I could attempt would be much appreciated.


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