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Applying Calibrations values to output data

JorgeO Feb 27, 2012 12:28 PM

Hi.The company i work for has several towers for meteorological measurement in Southamerica , some of them use a Campbell logger. We can't control the calibration values introduced to each logger by the people who build up the towers and collect the data, so we are bounded to, somehow, filter the data that we receive from them each month to make sure it is trustworthy.In order to do so we would like to apply our own calibrations values(offset and slope) to the data we get( they normally send us the output data in .dat files).I would like to know if it is possible to do so, perhaps with a CRBASICS program?.Thank you very much.Jorge.

P.D.I know i could make a program with our calibrations values, but the problem is that i couldn't send that program to the logger.

Nico Mar 3, 2012 05:17 PM

If its raw sensor values the multiplicator is just that, a multiplicator.. and the offset as well..
Just don't know which one get's applied first?
In the command the multiplicator comes first, but I don't have a logger here to test it..

Another obstacle.. do you got the programs they run on those loggers so you can see how these values are being created?
Cause if they don't use a multiplicator of 1.0 and an offset of 0.0 you'd have to revert those calibrations before you can apply your own calibrations.
If I were you I'd request a freshly download logger program with each data download. That's how we handle it, so if there are changes in the program it can be traced back and the collected data corrected.

Also, for doing this in/with the dat-files you probably should be using some spread-sheet program that is capable of using macros (LibreOffice Calc or MsOffice Excel comes to mind) - just import the dat files.
Another way would be to open these files with a programming language of your choice, parsing those dat files and doing the corrections there and putting out corrected dat files.
Many ways lead to Rome..

Dana Mar 6, 2012 12:16 AM

If you have LoggerNet or PC400, it has a program named Split that will let you perform some math on data values in a *.dat file.

Dana W.

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