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Data is incorrect (negative value)

khanhlv1407 Feb 23, 2012 12:22 PM

I created a simple software to extract data from sensor but it seems that the data is incorrect as follow:

"TS","RN","Volts""Deg C""%"
"2012-02-21 10:52:01.10577893",1595,12.4644,-39.7665,45.261

The value (-39.7665) seems not to be correct.
Maybe the wiring is incorrect or other problem?

This is the table structure of this table:

<TABLE Name="Humidity" Table_Size="29440" Record_Size="12" Signature="32219" Time_Type="12" Time_Interval="0.0s">
<Field Name="BattV_Avg" Unit="Volts" Processing="Avg" Type="4-byte floating point (IEEE standard, MSB first)" Dimension="1"/>
<Field Name="AirTC_Max" Unit="Deg C" Processing="Max" Type="4-byte floating point (IEEE standard, MSB first)" Dimension="1"/>
<Field Name="RH_Max" Unit="%" Processing="Max" Type="4-byte floating point (IEEE standard, MSB first)" Dimension="1"/>

Does anyone has some suggestion?


* Last updated by: khanhlv1407 on 2/23/2012 @ 5:58 AM *

Dana Feb 25, 2012 03:05 PM

Wiring, wrong voltage range, incorrect instructions used to measure the sensor... If you provide information on the sensor and the measurement instruction, someone may be able to help.

Dana W.

khanhlv1407 Feb 27, 2012 02:02 AM

I am using the sensor Humitter 50 Y (Z1450054) for testing.
- Measurement instructions :
'50Y (constant power) Temperature & Relative Humidity Sensor (CSL) measurements 'AirTC' and 'RH'

- Wiring:
-Wiring for CR200/CR200X Series-

50Y (constant power) (CSL)
Battery +: Red
G: Blue
SE1: Yellow
Ground: Screen
SE2: Green

BTW, my target sensor is CS475 but I can not find it in the sensor list of Short Cut software. How to make it available in the sensor list of Short Cut?


Nico Mar 3, 2012 05:50 PM

This sensor?



If it's not the above linked sensor, do you have a datasheet/link for it that we can look at?

* Last updated by: Nico on 3/3/2012 @ 10:56 AM *

Grant Mar 4, 2012 11:09 PM

There does seem to be conflicting information between the datasheet for the 50Y humitter and the program wiring generated from shortcut. This may be due to changes in the sensor since the sensor was added to the program.

The CS475 is a distance sensor with a SDI-12 output and you may have to set the sensor up with the parameters you need prior to connecting it to the datalogger and getting sensible readings from it.

Download the manual from
and have a look at the start up procedures on page 10 and the program code on page 13.



khanhlv1407 Mar 9, 2012 05:03 AM

Thanks for your feebacks of Nico and Grant.
I could get correct values from 50Y humitter sensor now.

The CS475 is a distance sensor with a SDI-12 output and you may have to set the sensor up with the parameters you need prior to connecting it to the datalogger and getting sensible readings from it.

Actually, this is my first time to work with Datalogger (CR200X) so that I do not have much experience.
I understand the program code on page 13.
But how could I select the sensor and compile the program because cs475 is not available in Short Cut?


Grant Mar 9, 2012 05:15 AM

Programming this sensor with short cut is not the best route due to the complexity of the logger (configurable settings within it).

You need to configure the sensor first to use the settings you need and then program the datalogger to suit those settings

In shortcut, under sensors - Generic Measurements, there is an option to use "SDI-12 Sensor", this is the instruction you will need.

Try and see how you go



khanhlv1407 Mar 9, 2012 07:30 AM

Thanks for your answer.
I understand the situation now.
Hmm, it seems that it is more complex than sensors supported by Short Cut.

khanhlv1407 Mar 12, 2012 03:48 AM

Thanks to Grant!
I could get the data from CS475 sensor based on your suggestion now.
It's very interesting.

Grant Mar 12, 2012 04:10 AM


Glad I could help

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