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How to Connect tree 05103 anemometers in CR5000?

Georgia Feb 17, 2012 12:54 PM

We have bought a CR5000 to plug in 3 (three) wind speed and direction sensors (05103 RM YOUNG) with other meteorological sensors. The 05103 requires a pulse channel and the CR5000 has only two. One is already occupied by a rain gage. Therefore we are 2 channels short. According to the manual we could do it using LLAC4. But it does not seems to work despite all our effort. The pulse count command does not accept call the control port. We have ask the Brazilian Campbell office. But they don’t know how to fix.
What we really want to know is:
(1) It is possible to use three 05103-RM-YOUNG with the LLAC4 in the CR5000?
(2) If is possible, could you send us the instructions to do it;
(3) If is not possible, could we configure a control port as pulse port in the CR5000? What is need to make this modification in the CR5000?
Please, we need an answer URGENTLY, we are right now the Antarctic (Brazilian Scientific Station) and we will be around only for one more week (February 25).

GTProdMgr Feb 17, 2012 05:27 PM

When using the CR5000 and LLAC4, you must use control ports 7 or 8 on the CR5000 and use the "frequency" function of the TimerIO instruction. An AE here has verified some code like this as working:

'CR5000 Series Datalogger
Public Pulse_LLAC(2)

Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
'Measure low level AC signal (RMY 05103) on LLAC4
'wired to C7 and C8 on CR5000
TimerIO (Pulse_LLAC,11000000,88000000,10,mSec)
'NOTE: Only ports CR5000 C7 and C8 support
'Function 8 (frequency in Hz).

Look at the TimerIO help topic in the CR5000 CRBasic help for more info.

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