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RTMC Pro v2 Stretching Pages

CJ May 6, 2009 06:21 AM

We are having problems with one of our projects running in RTMC Pro, sometimes when opening a recently saved screen and sometimes with screens that have not been modified. Basically what is happening is that everything except the background is being stretched off the screen to the left (In RTMC Pro, Server & the .png output files). The only way we can get around the problem is to open an old backup version, make the changes we need, then save it and hope for the best. Could someone shed some light onto this for us?

PS. We have tried opening the project on another PC only to find the same thing happening.


IslandMan May 6, 2009 09:06 AM

Hi CJ,

I'm no RTMC expert but, when you set up the workspace configuration are you using fixed size screens or allowing them to be auto sized? Another thing to check would be Edit, Select All and see if there's anything you have inadvertently "sent to back" that's causing the screen to change size. I always work with fixed screen sizes and haven't had the problem. Good Luck.


CJ Jun 3, 2009 06:55 AM

Setting the screens to a fixed size seems to do the trick.

Thanks Dave

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