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Programming SW12 and TimeStamp

willh Feb 7, 2012 04:13 PM


I am trying to create a program that will allow me to use a RMY 81000 and a Rotorod pollen counter for the CR1000. So far I have created a program to control the RMY 81000 and now I want to be able to control the pollen counter. The Rotorod must be on the SW12 port and cycle on for 1min then off for 9mins then repeat again.
I would like to be able to have a timestamp of when the SW12 switch is powered on so I can go back to outputs from the RMY 81000 and compare the data.

I can email my program that I have for the RMY to whoever thinks they can help me with this.


MPPMC Feb 22, 2012 09:16 AM

Hi Will,

Unless I'm missing something, this is straight forward enough (I'm no advanced user!)

Add a variable called Rotorod As Boolean

Then add this in to your scan:

If TimeIntoInterval(0,10,Min) Then Rotorod = True
If TimeIntoInterval(1,10,Min) Then Rotorod = False
If Rotorod = True Then SW12(1)
If Rotorod = False Then SW12(0)

Then it just be a case of logging the variable Rotorod in a table.

This will power on the SW12 on the top of a 10 minute interval e.g. 11:00, 11:10, 11:20 and off 1 minute in to the 10 minute interval 11:01, 11:11, 11:21 etc

If instead you'd want to turn it on after an event and then off after a minute, so you weren't waiting for a 10 minute interval to pass, then you could incorporate a counter.

Depending on your scan rate, change Rotorod to be true after the counter reaches a certain value. If you were on 10 second scans it would be:

If Counter = 0 Then Rotorod = True
Counter = Counter + 1
If Counter >= 6 Then Rotorod = False
If Counter >= 60 Then Counter = 0

It may need tweaking a little and also watch out to make sure the code for the RMY81000 isn't causing any skipped scans or it may mess up the counter. Otherwise, I think that's all you need.


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