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TCP/IP configuration for CR800 & GSM/GPRS Modem (Enfora Spider SA-G+ or Enabler IIIG)

geopark Feb 4, 2012 08:24 PM

We are experiencing a couple of issues with the integration of the SA-G+ units (Enfora SA-G+: http://www.enfora.com/index.cgi?PageInfoFlash:CONTENT_ID=70 , User Manual: Select SA-G+ from the drop down menu : http://www.enfora.com/index.cgi?PageSupport:CONTENT_ID=47&User:LANGUAGE=en). We are trying to use PPP to establish a link from the CR800 to the SA-G+ to enable remote connections to and from the datalogger.
We have been using the terminal programs to configure the modems, as per the user-manual for the SA-G+ and we have been successfully able to connect to the test enfora server. But, we have not been yet able to connect to the datalogger units.
We have followed the CS-GPRS Communications Package User Guide (Issued 16.12.11) to set up our connections, except for the fact that we are using the RS-232 port on the CR800 as the connection port. However, we haven't been able to successfully dial into the modem though the logger to initiate a connection.
Current config of the modem:

E1 Q0 V1 X0 &C1 &D0 S0:000 S3:013 S4:010 S5:008 +CBST: 7,0,1 +FCLASS:0
+CRLP: 61,61,48,6 +CR:0 +CRC:0 +CMGF:1 +CSCS:"PCCP437" +CNMI:1,1,0,0,0
+ILRR:0 +IPR:0 +CMEE:0 +CSMS:0,1,1,1 +CFUN:1 +CREG:0 +CGREG:0
+CLIP:0,2 +CAOC:1 +COPS:0,0 T-Mobile +CSNS:0 +CSSN:0,0 +CSDH:0 +CMUT:0
+CSVM:0,"",129 +CGQREQ:1,0,0,0,0,0 +CGQMIN:1,0,0,0,0,0
+IFC:2,2 +ICF:3 %CGAATT:0,1 %CGPPP:3 $AREG:2 $HOSTIF:0
$VGR: 12 $VGT: 7 $VLVL: 4 $VST: 0 $VSELECT: 1
$PADBLK: 512 $PADBS: 08 $PADCMD: 000b $PADDST: "", 0
$PADFWD: 0d $PADESC: 00 $PADSRC: 0 $PADTO: 50 $UDPAPI: "", 1720
$MSCLS: 8 %SLEEP: 2 %CPI: 0 %CGREG: 0 $ACKTM: 0, 0, 0
$MDMID: "012002000634479" $MSGLOGEN: 0 $RTCUPD: 0, 0 $PKG: 50-D1
$APIOPT: 0,0,0,0
$EVTIM1: 0, $EVTIM2: 0, $EVTIM3: 0, $EVTIM4: 0
$EVTIM5: 0, $EVTIM6: 0, $EVTIM7: 0, $EVTIM8: 0
$EVTIM9: 0, $EVTIM10: 0
$WAKEUP: 0, 0 $NETMON: 0, 0, 0, 0
$IOCFG: 11000100111111111111
$IOGPA: 01000110111100011111
$IOTAR: 00000000000000000000
$EVENT: evgp evtyp evcat p1 p2
1A 0 9 2 4
1B 3 124 1 0
2A 0 9 5 5
2B 3 121 0 0
3A 0 9 0 0
3B 3 122 0 0


I have tried using ATD*99***1# and ATD1234567i as the dial strings but have been unable to initiate a link between the logger and the modem.

Hardware config: CR800 ->RS232 Port -> Null Modem -> Spider SA-G+

Please advise and comment.

* Last updated by: geopark on 2/5/2012 @ 1:30 PM *

Grant Feb 5, 2012 10:22 PM

If you are trying to dial into this modem, the s0 register is set to zero, seventh parameter above (S0:000).

Also your baud rate is set to autobaud (+IPR:0)

You need to set up the modem with
at s0=2
at +ipr=115200
at +ifc=0,0

it looks like there is only one stored profile location, the default one.

geopark Feb 5, 2012 11:05 PM

Thank you very much, Grant. The IPInfo field in the status table got populated right after your recommended changes.

geopark Feb 6, 2012 01:14 AM

Thank again for your response, Grant.

Do you think there is some port settings that need to be set on the SA-G+ modem? I am trying to initiate a remote connection via Loggernet 4.1 (PakBusTcpServer) using the default 6785 port, but haven't had any luck yet. Any pointers again would be greatly appreciated.

Also, could you please elaborate on the "there is only one stored profile location, the default one" - I am a beginner with all this and I am curious as to what that means.

aps Feb 6, 2012 03:52 PM

If the logger has managed to be asigned an IP address then communication between the modem and logger are likely OK. (BTW you do not need to set the modem to auto-answer for GPRS communications, so register S0 could have been left at zero)

The problem of connecting to the logger is most likely to do with the IP address you are telling Loggernet to connect to and/or the type of SIM card you are using.

Have you bought a SIM card with a fixed address and is it a public address? If it is not public do you may need to setup a VPN connection to your providers network before you can connect to it. If it is public, the PC you are running Loggernet on needs to have full access to the internet for the ports you intend to use (6785 for instance) and any firewall in place must allow outgoing connections on that port.

geopark Feb 6, 2012 04:44 PM

Thank you very much for your response.
I lost the PPP connection from yesterday (it lasted for about 1 hr) and I haven't managed to duplicate the connection.
These are my current settings:

E1 Q0 V1 X0 &C1 &D0 S0:002 S3:013 S4:010 S5:008 +CBST: 7,0,1 +FCLASS:0
+CRLP: 61,61,48,6 +CR:0 +CRC:0 +CMGF:1 +CSCS:"PCCP437" +CNMI:1,1,0,0,0
+ILRR:0 +IPR:115200 +CMEE:0 +CSMS:0,1,1,1 +CFUN:1 +CREG:0 +CGREG:0
+CLIP:0,2 +CAOC:1 +COPS:0,0 +CSNS:0 +CSSN:0,0 +CSDH:0 +CMUT:0
+CSVM:0,"",129 +CGQREQ:1,0,0,0,0,0 +CGQMIN:1,0,0,0,0,0
+CGDCONT: 1,"IP","telargo.t-mobile.com","",0,0
+IFC:0,0 +ICF:3 %CGAATT:0,1 %CGPPP:3 $AREG:2 $HOSTIF:0
$VGR: 12 $VGT: 7 $VLVL: 4 $VST: 0 $VSELECT: 1
$PADBLK: 512 $PADBS: 08 $PADCMD: 000b $PADDST: "", 0
$PADFWD: 0d $PADESC: 00 $PADSRC: 0 $PADTO: 50 $UDPAPI: "", 1720
$MSCLS: 8 %SLEEP: 2 %CPI: 0 %CGREG: 0 $ACKTM: 0, 0, 0
$MDMID: "012002000634941" $MSGLOGEN: 0 $RTCUPD: 0, 0 $PKG: 50-D1
$APIOPT: 0,0,0,0
$EVTIM1: 0, $EVTIM2: 0, $EVTIM3: 0, $EVTIM4: 0
$EVTIM5: 0, $EVTIM6: 0, $EVTIM7: 0, $EVTIM8: 0
$EVTIM9: 0, $EVTIM10: 0
$WAKEUP: 0, 0 $NETMON: 0, 0, 0, 0
$IOCFG: 11000100111111111111
$IOGPA: 01100110111100011111
$IOTAR: 00000000000000000000
$EVENT: evgp evtyp evcat p1 p2
1A 0 9 2 4
1B 3 124 1 0
2A 0 9 5 5
2B 3 121 0 0
3A 0 9 0 0
3B 3 122 0 0
4A 0 9 1 1
4B 3 121 0 0

Please advise.

Vicente Sep 4, 2014 05:50 PM

someone has connected the CR800 and Enfora modem?

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