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LNDB Multiple .csv file Import

newtoLoggernet4 Jan 18, 2012 03:29 PM


Can "LNDB DBImport" import multiple .csv files into a MYSQL database as Loggernet has been downloading daily files for a number of years now and I am only setting up LNDB now,

If it cant can you recommend how to batch import into MYSQL?


Dana Jan 19, 2012 07:48 PM

With LNDB, there is no way to automate importing files.

Dana W.

newtoLoggernet4 Jan 20, 2012 01:21 PM


I dont see the point in making an import utility if all it can do is import a single file,

does anyone else have an idea on how to import daily files now that I have setup LNDB?

thanks for your help

Dana Jan 20, 2012 03:49 PM

I am not an SQL expert, and maybe someone who is can chime in, but you should be able to write an SQL script to import multiple files.

The original intent behind LNDB is that it copies data from the LoggerNet data cache, and thus, there would rarely be a reason to import files. As the product matures we will add features. The ability to automate import of data is "on the list".

If you have more feedback on features you would like to see in the product, I would appreciate your comments.

Dana W.

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