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Telnetting to a CR3000

georgedavies Jan 13, 2012 05:19 AM

I have a network of 10X, 23X, and CR3K, using IP modems or TX312/320 to communicate.

I was able to telnet to the 10X and 23X on IP modems, hit return a number of times, enter the magic number, and have a > returned where I could *6AAAAA to my hearts content.

Can I do this with a 3K? Remote connection is important to us, and I spend half my life flying in the backseat of a helicopter, so I'm looking to do this on a Blackberry.
I use BBSSH to communicate to the 10X 23X, using telnet, not SSH.

Is there a setting on the logger to enable this?
Is there a way I can move forward and backwards through the input values?
Is there a way that I can change a variable that I've scrolled to?
Is there a way I can set the time with the telnet command?

I can't use a laptop and an aircard scrunched up in the back of a helo...



aps Jan 16, 2012 10:43 AM

With the CRx000 loggers the terminal mode is somewhat different as you will find. Originally it was added mainly more for diagnostic purposes but has been extended over the years to replicate some of the less frquently used functionality of older loggers.

If you connect to the datalogger and press enter a few times you will get a prompt back, CR3000>, for the CR1000. Then press H<enter> for the menu. Please note at this stage with a direct connection, there is a 3 second timeout for entering the initial command (timeouts are logger is connecting via a Pakbus connection). If you get no response press enter a few times to get back to the CR3000> prompt.

In the help menu you will see option 7, to display the variables, which is a list of the public table. These are displayed page at a time, so it is not quite the same as *6.

You cannot edit the variables via that option.

The only option to change operation of the program is to setup up a construct in your program called: ConstTable/EndConstTable (see the CRBasic help). This is accessed via the C command of the terminal emulator. It emulates the *4 mode of the old loggers, allowing you to effectively change parameters in the programs.

There is no command you can issue in terminal mode to change the logger time. However, if the loggers are IP connected they could be updating the time themselves using the NetworkTimeProtocol.

A little more help on these commands and the terminal mode can be found in the datalogger manual.

Sam Jan 19, 2012 02:29 AM

Consider issuing these changes over HTTP instead of FTP.
You can change variables and time.


The CR3000 has internal web (HTTP) server. So you can open a web browser on your BlackBerry and point it to the IP address of the datalogger. The logger should return it's default home page.

The most recent logger Operating Systems also allows for data queries and several operations such as setting values and clocks via the web browser.

See the CRBasic Help regarding the "Web Server".

You'll see that you can form URLs / web requests that allow you to download data, set values, check clocks, etc.


If you know anything about web programming, you could write a custom web page that would live on the logger. The web page could have links and forms/submit buttons to do some of the most common things.

If not, you can purchase the latest RTMCPro. The latest RTMCPro will allow you to create a RTMC project that can be deployed onto the datalogger and served up via the web page. RTMC projects allow you to create an interface to easy monitor and change variable, etc.

* Last updated by: Sam on 1/20/2012 @ 1:34 PM *

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