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CR1000 - appending data to file....

CTS Jan 11, 2012 10:28 AM

I am using the CR1000 logger for metereological stations. The logger is programmed such as to generate a unique CSV file at the beginning of the day and then append the hourly values to it evry hour on the hour.

Now it has surfaced that at random occasions for an unkown reason some hourly data is not appended, this can be for just one hour or for a couple of hours.

As this is arandom issue it is difficult for me to trace, but suspect that it has somehting to do with sequential/pipline mode processing.

Attaching source code makes it unreadable, if required I can e-mail it.

Thanks very much

CTS Jan 11, 2012 12:44 PM

One more thing,
the routine to append data to the *.csv file is run within a slowscan sequence set to run 1 minute past the hour.


Dana Jan 11, 2012 09:33 PM

Check in the status table and see if you are getting skipped scans in the main program or the slow sequence.

Is there anything in the program that would affect timing? When running in PipelineMode, I could see where the 1 minute past the hour might be "missed" if timing were off. You could attempt to force the program into SequentialMode (this may not be possible, depending upon the structure of the program).

Dana W.

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