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Importing data into Loggernet admin and LNDB

PaulHeinrich Jan 6, 2012 05:51 PM


I have a small weather station network with 4 of 5 stations connected via cell modem. I'm using LNDB and RTMC Pro and LoggerNet Admin to display data from the 4 online sites and also storing the data in a MySQL database. I'd like to periodically collect the data from the 5th station and add it to both my database and the web display. Can anyone advise me on the best way to do this?


Sam Jan 7, 2012 06:17 PM

Check out section 7 of the LNDB manual "Importing Data". Download the data using software (PC200W or better) or a removable data storage (SC115 or CF card).

From section 7
"The Filename field is used to indicate the file from which data is to be imported. Only table-based data files are supported and can be imported. Press the browse button (…) to browse to the desired file."

Dana Jan 9, 2012 08:30 PM

Note that the import Sam refers to is only applicable if a table for the datalogger is already set up in LNDB.

Dana W.

PaulHeinrich Jun 5, 2012 02:24 AM

I've just gotten back to this problem after being preoccupied with other work. I've created tables for the fifth station in MySQL and can see them in "data review" in LNDB. Now I am trying to figure out how to add the station so I can upload data from my dat files. Do I need to do that in LNDB or Loggernet Admin?

To be more clear. I created my target fables in MySQL, but they do not show up in LNDB. How do I get them to become available to load data into them?

* Last updated by: PaulHeinrich on 6/4/2012 @ 8:31 PM *

PaulHeinrich Jun 5, 2012 02:26 AM

To be more clear. I created my target fables in MySQL, but they do not show up in LNDB. How do I get them to become available to load data into them?

ChipsNSalsa Jun 5, 2012 05:16 PM

The way I have done this, which also creates the necessary tables in the database, is by spoofing the station in LoggerNet. Add a station in LoggerNet's Setup screen. The link can be IPPort-PakBusPort-CR1000 because we don't intend on actually communicating with the station. You haven't said what datalogger model you're dealing with so I've used a CR1000 as an example. Name the station in the setup screen whatever name you want it to ultimately have in the database. Round up the TDF file that was created by the CRBasic Editor when you saved and compiled the program for the station. The table descriptions in the TDF file must match the table data files headers so make sure the TDF file was generated for the same program that's running in the datalogger. Go to the Program tab for the station in the setup screen and associate the TDF file using the Associate button. You should see the station and and it's associated tables in the LNDB Manager after that. Enable the tables in the LNDB Manager which will create the database tables and then import the data files.

* Last updated by: ChipsNSalsa on 6/5/2012 @ 12:04 PM *

PaulHeinrich Jun 5, 2012 08:13 PM

Thank you! The technique for spoofing the station worked perfectly!

cheers, Paul

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