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FTP uploads an empty file

everhamme Dec 30, 2011 08:10 PM

Has anyone ever run into the problem where the FTPClient command uploads an empty file 90% of the time? I have a RavenXT CDMA hooked up to a CR1000. I can check the file on the CR1000 and it always has something in it, but my uploaded file is routinely empty.

Another weird thing is that the timestamp on the uploaded file is set 4 minutes into the future. Where is this timestamp coming from? My CR1000 and my PC are synced within seconds of eachother.

I am pretty sure it is my ftp server because I was uploading flawlessly to another server and email works fine, but I don't know what settings to tell my IT guy to change.


Sam Dec 31, 2011 02:04 AM

Please try OS 24. My hunch is that the FTP servers are responding to the FTP "STOR" command differently. We recently expanded the logger's support for these responses in OS24. If it persists, please work with Campbell support to record the IP traffic using the integrated IPTrace tools.

GaryTRoberts Dec 31, 2011 02:46 AM

Also, to add to what Sam recomends above, is your FTP server behind a firewall.? Also, are you using passive (FTPClient 2 Send, Server PASV option) mode to ftp your files? If so, we have seen this happen when the server suggests a new ftp data port to the datalogger that it can't connect to because the firewall is blocking it. If this is the case, you will have to have your IT guy open port numbers from from 8019 to 65000 or set it up to use active mode instead.

everhamme Dec 31, 2011 04:23 AM

Thanks Sam and Gary for the suggestions. I tried upgrading firmware to OS24 before posting originally. That didn't help this particular issue. I'll have to ask our IT folks about firewall ports for the ftp server. I am currently using the passive (2) mode. I'll contact support if changingto active or checking with my IT folks doesn't do the trick.

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