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Control Data Logger (CR200X)

khanhlv1407 Dec 26, 2011 07:29 AM

I am a beginner and I want to build simple flood monitor system like this:
Linux PC <--> CR200X <--> CS475.

Is it possible to create an application on Linux PC to control the data logger (i.e. get sensor data)? Is there any manual document?


Dana Dec 26, 2011 03:18 PM

There is a Loggernet Linux package (http://www.campbellsci.com/lnlinux) that includes a LoggerNet server that runs on Linux, and a copy of LoggerNet Remote (the LoggerNet clients) that runs on Windows. You run the server on Linux, but manage the system using a Windows PC.

There is also the JAVA PakBus SDK (http://www.campbellsci.com/java-sdk) that can be used for creating your own applications.

Dana W.

khanhlv1407 Dec 27, 2011 02:42 AM

Thanks for your answer!
But I want to confirm that:

1. Could I create a program in C language to access Data Logger and get data (i.e. 1 time/minute)?
I need it because in my system, Linux PC is an embedded system which has Linux OS.

2. The Loggernet Linux package is not available to download? How could I download it?

kirving Dec 27, 2011 03:12 AM

Check out PyPak.

khanhlv1407 Dec 27, 2011 06:51 AM

Thanks for your answer. That's what i need.
BTW, Does it support serial interface?

khanhlv1407 Dec 28, 2011 06:45 AM

1. Could I create a program in C language to access Data Logger and get data (i.e. 1 time/minute)?
I need it because in my system, Linux PC is an embedded system which has Linux OS.

2. The Loggernet Linux package is not available to download? How could I download it?

Dana Dec 28, 2011 07:50 PM

The LoggerNet Linux package is not available for download -- it is a paid-for application.

Dana W.

khanhlv1407 Dec 29, 2011 06:51 AM

Thanks for your answer.
How do I buy the above devices and the LoggerNet Linux? I asked the question to sale members but no answer.I am in Vietnam.


aps Dec 29, 2011 11:51 AM

Please contact our Australian Office for details on purchase of these items in your country. They are closed until the 3rd Jan though. Contact details can be found here:


I should perhaps warn you that Loggernet for Linux sells for around 3X more than the cost of a CR200X. The Loggernet for Linux package is designed for collecting data from a large network of loggers. It can be used with a single logger but may not be what you are after for a "simple" single logger system.

khanhlv1407 Dec 29, 2011 12:08 PM

thanks for your confirmation! BTW, could you share some suggestions for a simple system like that?

aps Dec 29, 2011 12:30 PM

Either the paid-for CS Java SDK or Pypak (unsupported by Campbell Scientific) may be worth considering but you would need to do some extra work to add serial port support as neither package have this as standard.

The CR200X does support acting as either a Modbus Master or Slave, so if you can work within the limitations of Modbus you could consider using that method for controlling the logger and getting realtime values from it. There is probably a lot of code out there you could use for Modbus comms.

The last option is to start from scratch and write your own comms code. However, Campbell Scientific will not provide support on doing this. All I can refer you to is this document:


Sam Dec 31, 2011 02:35 AM

Campbell's JavaSDK requires the user to initiate the I/O stream (using standard or 3rd party methods), so I don't see why serial would be an issue.

And PyPak's documentation suggests that it does support coms over serial.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pypak/ says "over TCP/IP or serial lines".

You could also check out https://engineering.arm.gov/~choudhury/PbCdlComm/.

khanhlv1407 Jan 5, 2012 03:17 AM

Thanks so much to all of you.
We will consider both PyPak and PbCdlComm.
I think many people want to build a simple system like me for trial before building up big system. I will share the experience after finish building up this sytem.

khanhlv1407 Feb 20, 2012 08:37 AM

My recommendation is using PbCdlComm.
I tested it successfully in PC but it failed in my embedded system now.

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