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RTMC Webserver

amnart Dec 23, 2011 02:13 AM

Hello Everyone,
I have some problem that When I design with RTMC Pro Development and run project every tools are good working.
But when I run with RTCM WebServer AlarmsToggles\AnimatedRedLEDOn.gif is not animate and report range not appear on RTMC WebServer together. How to correct
for this problem.


Dana Dec 26, 2011 03:13 PM

First, realize that all the controls in RTMC Web Server are not "interactive", so you will not be able to set values, toggle controls, or scroll through report ranges. Also, make sure that the version number which you are designing with in Pro matches the version number of the RTMC Web Server.

One thing to note, last week we released a new web server, called CSI Web Server, which does have the ability to allow control of components, and scrolling through reports and graphs.


Dana W.

amnart Dec 28, 2011 05:54 AM

RTMC Pro and WebS erver were same version.But I test on windows XP.I don't sure that's cause.

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