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Saving data in table without RECNBR?

hkleta Dec 13, 2011 03:20 PM


I am colleting data from one of our CR1000 with LoggerNet.
I am getting something like 400MB per day from the system, no problem.

Is there a chance to set the system up to NOT save the RecNumber (RECNBR) with all the other values?
The Timestamp is absolutely sufficient for me, so I do not need the RECNBR anyway, it is currently basically wasting space.

Any hint is highly appreciated, best regards,


Dana Dec 13, 2011 06:11 PM

In LoggerNet's Setup screen, Data Files tab, select the [...] button beside the Output Format field. This will bring up a dialog box that lets you turn off Record Number (and Timestamp, though I don't recommend turning off the timestamp!)

Dana W.

hkleta Dec 14, 2011 11:06 AM


thanks for the quick response.
It helped a bit.

I am using Loggernet 3.4.1. and in that version I cannot deselect the Record Number.
But when choosing the CVS dataformat, the RECNBR doesn't get logged.
And the different date and time format... I should be able to cope with that.

Since which loggernet version is the turning off of the Record Number implemented?

Thanks and best regards,


hkleta Dec 14, 2011 11:39 AM

Hi again,

is it correct that the logger internally logs the recordnumber even if loggernet is setup not to collect it?

Can the logger be setup not to store the recordnumber?

Best regards,


aps Dec 14, 2011 01:06 PM

The option to not output the record number was introduced in Loggernet 4.0

For most common uses, the logger itself does not store the record number or timestamp with each individual record in its own memory. Those values are generated by calculation when the data is retrieved so you cannot work around your problem that way.

Apart from upgrading Loggernet there are two other options you might consider:

a) reading the data as you are now but then using Split to post-process the data to strip out the record number. This could be done on a batch basis.

b) store the data in TOB1 binary format when you collect it. Although in LN 3.4.1 this will still store the record number (it can be supressed in 4.0+) the files stored are much more compact than TOA5 ASCII files. This will save disc space but you will need decode the files later on to read them. This can be done with Split or a couple of other CS tools included with Loggernet, e.g. Cardconvert.

Personally though I would buy a bigger hard disk and/or upgrade Loggernet.

hkleta Dec 14, 2011 01:54 PM


thanks for your quick answer!

The main goal for me would have been to save space on the CR1000. The Harddisk is of secondary importance and should last till end of next year anyway.

I will update Loggernet, but can't do that with the actual system, as it is currently onboard RV Polarstern in Antarctic waters...

As a colleague onboard has to change the program of the CR1000 for me I was hoping to be able to alter the internal settings towards less needed space.

I now know my options and will implement them one after another.

Thanks again,


TweedleDee Dec 14, 2011 03:48 PM

Use the DataInterval instruction in the DataTables with a Lapse parameter set to > 0 (say 10). Even if you are planning on outputting every scan, you could set the other parameters to 0:


This will setup the Table to not record a timestamp and record # with each individual record, saving memory. If the Lapses parameter is set to 0, then every record will be timestamped and numbered.

* Last updated by: TweedleDee on 12/14/2011 @ 8:54 AM *

aps Dec 14, 2011 05:23 PM

Just to explain when I said the record number is not stored internally for most common uses, I did mean where you use a DataInterval instuction in the datatable as described by TweedleDee. Most people would use this if following the examples in the help system.

There are instances where the Datainterval instruction is deliberately not used, e.g. if sampling every scan, sampling in a loop within a scan or doing conditional logging, in which case the logger has to store the timestamp and record number with each record as it cannot infer these values otherwise.

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