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can't connect to sc105

fdec Dec 13, 2011 10:54 AM

hello everybody

I always try to run my gprs but for now I can not. I am looking for my mistake.
according to the document "CS-GPRS Communications Package" from Campbell scientific, it is possible by device utility to connect to the SC105. Or I can not.
could you tell me how to do it?
my SC105 is connected by CSIO port on my CR3000 and I connect to my CR3000 by the RS232 port.
while waiting to read you

aps Dec 13, 2011 11:28 AM

You need to connect the SC105 to the CS I/O port to provide power to it and connect its RS232 port to your PC serial port.

You need to use the null modem cable (one is normally supplied with each SC105) for this connection to allow you to configure it.

Once connected press the configuration button in the side of the case.

fdec Dec 19, 2011 08:43 AM

dear APS
i have realease what you said

but that's didn't work

i have send the CSGPRS kit to the french agency for an observation

thanks for your answer


fdec Jan 2, 2012 08:42 AM

hello everybody
just for informed the forum,
after the test of my CSGPRS, the problem was the losse connection at the power cable defect,

thanks to campbell for this help

sudheex Jun 27, 2012 10:37 AM

We have a problem onsite with our campbell scientific converter (SC105), Can somebody help?

Converter SC105 (DCE to CSI/O) which is connected from B&B converter (AWAC) to datalogger (CS/IO port) is not communicating.
Can it be any kind of failure or settings in the converter itself ?

To see the settings I connected SC105 converter to my PC (modem side) and other side to (datalogger) CS/IO of CR1000 with supplied cable. Then I pressed "program" button on SC105 for one second to access the set up menu. Still I cant see any message in hyper terminal
Is there any other option to check the settings in the converter.

Or can somebody guide me how to check the SC105, If it is working or not?

Thank you
Sudheesh PS

aps Jun 27, 2012 10:45 AM

The SC105 has settings so if they do not match the requirements for the application that could cause a problem. Normally they do not change themselves, but anything is possible.

To check the settings make sure you are using a null-modem cable between the SC105 and your PC. A straight cable will not work.

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