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Get Data via Visual basic

MCTT Nov 14, 2011 02:00 PM

Dear All,

I would like to get data from Datalogger via Visual basic 6.0

Please help me solve this problems.

If you have any demo programs, Please send it to me.

GTProdMgr Nov 14, 2011 04:50 PM

The BMP5Direct SDK can be downloaded from the CSI website at no charge and contains VB6 sample code:


Download area:

For finer grained control of the data returned from the logger, you can use the LoggerNet SDK (must be purchased):


This SDK includes extensive examples and ample documentation for using the controls in Visual Basic 6.0.

See also:

MCTT Nov 15, 2011 08:03 AM

Thank you for your information that you have provided.

MCTT Nov 16, 2011 04:01 PM


The demo run ok in Win XP, but my labtop install Win 7(64 Bit) and it can not run.

I tried register DLL file but it not successful.

Please help me.

MCTT Nov 16, 2011 04:02 PM

I use BMP5Direct SDK.

jtrauntvein Nov 16, 2011 04:48 PM

The DLL is NOT an active X component and therefore does not require registration. I just tried running the "get Last Result" demo for vb6 on my windows 7 64 bit machine and it appears to run just fine.

MCTT Nov 17, 2011 06:22 AM

hi hi, may be error my windows. Thanks your support.

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