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Sending data to another datalogger

mhayes Oct 28, 2011 05:49 PM

Here is my remote setup

Met tower (w/cell modem and CR1000 and RF401)
-Repeater tower (w/CR800, RF401 and rain gage)
-Remote datalogger (CR206 and pressure transducer)
-Remote datalogger (CR206 and pressure transducer)
-Remote datalogger (CR206 and pressure transducer)

This site is in the mountains and has some communication issues. There is communication between all sites but it can be erratic. To reduce the need to connect to the very distant sites whenever I collect data I want to know how I might be able to route the data from the Remote Stations to either the CR800 or the CR1000. I would prefer to route everything to the CR1000 but am worried that there may not be able space.

How can I go about having the dataloggers send their collected data to either the MET tower (CR1000) or the Repeater (CR800) on their own at previously specified intervals? And once that is accomplished how do I go about downloading? Just like normal?


Dana Oct 28, 2011 11:27 PM

Look at the SendGetData instruction in the CRBasic Help. If the CR200s can all communicate with the CR800 or CR1000, then you can send values that way. CR200s cannot be routers, so you would not be able to send from one CR200 to another, and then on to the CR1000 or CR800.

The "sent" data is stored in a variable array in the CR1000 or CR800. Sample that array of data into a data table -- you might want one table in the "host" datalogger for for each CR200 datalogger.

Note however, that the collected data will show up in LoggerNet as a table for the CR1000, and there's no simple way to merge it with data you might have already collected from each of the CR200s.

Dana W.

Sam Oct 31, 2011 01:36 AM

I think GetDataRecord, GetVariables, and SendGetVariables would be of most interest to you.

GetDataRecord probably more so because you will be able to create a local copy of a remote table inside the CR1000.
It is used to retrieve records from a data table in a remote datalogger and store the records in the local datalogger. The MaxRecords parameter can be used to retrieve several records at a time.

Mikey Nov 22, 2011 11:14 PM

I am doing this very thing on a CR206 network through a repeater even to a CR1000 and i've had really good success with the GetVariables instructions.

Intermountain Env.

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