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CR1000 w/ VAISALA WINDCAP Ultrasonic Wind Sensor

mdavis Oct 12, 2011 05:34 PM

Hello CS,

we got this new sensor from VAISALA "Ultrasonic Wind Sensor Series WMT702" and i was wondering if it's compatible with CR1000 datalogger.

Digital Communication Interface - RS485
Digital Communication Profile - WS425 ASCII

i tried using a 485-232 Converter and connected the converter to my PC, just to make a simple communication. i am connected to the sensor, but i'm getting this weird ASCII values, and i dont know how to translate it let alone the CR1000 can do the translation.

if it is compatible, and someone made it work, can someone please help me out on the coding and probably the wiring pinout as well.

Mark Sean Davis
Trimark Associates

Nico Oct 13, 2011 01:13 PM

"...i tried using a 485-232 Converter and connected the converter to my PC, just to make a simple communication. i am connected to the sensor, but i'm getting this weird ASCII values, and i dont know how to translate it let alone the CR1000 can do the translation..."

Not that I know that sensor nor the implemented WS425 ascii protocol, but this^^ sounds like you should check the baud and control bit settings for the serial connection.

Also, according to the manual the COM2 of this sensor does have the option of a DIRECT RS232 connection, so you can remove the RS485 to RS232 conversion/converter from the troubleshooting 'equation' ;-)
(http://www.vaisala.com/Vaisala%20Documents/User%20Guides%20and%20Quick%20Ref%20Guides/WMT700%20User%27s%20Guide%20M211095EN-C.pdf, page 64)

Also, if I read that table on page 129 correctly (appendix C) you should use the following settings for the serial port (connected to COM2 on the sensor) to get some readable stuff:
baud rate: 9,600
data bits: 8
stop bit: 1
parity bit: none

Have fun!

jra Oct 13, 2011 01:20 PM

Also, be sure to read our serial sensor application note: http://www.campbellsci.com/documents/technical-papers/serial.pdf

mdavis Oct 13, 2011 03:50 PM

"but this^^ sounds like you should check the baud and control bit settings for the serial connection."

I've Checked all the settings on the serial connection. used 2400 baud 1st cuz the device is 2400/8/n/1, and use 9600 next, then 19200. on 2400 baud, im getting the weird symbols, but on the 9600/19200 im not getting anything.

"Also, according to the manual the COM2 of this sensor does have the option of a DIRECT RS232 connection, so you can remove the RS485 to RS232 conversion/converter from the troubleshooting 'equation'"

Yeah, it has that option, but my manager ordered the 485 for distance purpose(i guess).

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