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simple questions :/

Beginner Sep 28, 2011 02:14 PM

hello everybody ,
i've been reading about dataloggers since 3 days only ,in order to get some understanding about the way it works,
i read from this site but i need some help.. what is the general connection and protocols used for a water level monitoring system using cr1000 or cr850 and wired sensors? i just need to understand the general idea ..and the way evrything connects with each other and work togother.

thanks alot for your consideration

ChipsNSalsa Sep 28, 2011 08:08 PM

I'd recommend looking at some of the tutorials on the CSI downloads page. Also, download a copy of the Short Cut program generator from the downloads page, install it, and generate a CR800 Series program with a water level sensor and some table outputs. Examine the wiring diagram Short Cut created. Open the resulting filename.CR8 program and examine the CRBasic code Short Cut created.

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