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CR1000 not connecting to PC in lab set-up

KevinW Apr 13, 2009 10:35 PM

I am having no luck getting my CR1000 to connect with my PC running PC200W, nor Device Configuration Utility, nor ShortCut. I have tried all sorts of baud rates and no luck.
I have reloaded the OS and it seemed to let me do that just fine. It still does the same thing. I used a terminal emulation program and at 57600 baud rate, the character string WDERR comes out every few seconds. There is no 57600 choice in PC200W nor Device Configuration Utility.

I do not know what is going on. I can talk to a CR200 just fine with the tools and set-up I have here. Could it be that the PakBus address in the data logger is set to something that the tools don't know about? Wouldn't reloading the OS reset it back to 1?

Dana Apr 14, 2009 05:59 PM

First things to check:

* Do you have a keyboard display? If so, can you use it to see values in the Status table or settings in the datalogger?

* Is the datalogger grounded properly?

* Is a regulated source of power being used?

* Are you connecting the serial cable to the CS I/O port (which requires a special connector) rather than the RS232?

* If you have a voltmeter, does the datalogger have 12V on the 12V connector and 5V on the 5V?

* When you loaded the new OS into the datalogger, did you give it ample time to reset before attempting communication? (in some instances it could take a few minutes -- send the OS and go get a cup of coffee just to be sure :)

If all of the above look good, then it could be that the wiring panel is not securely seated on the module. Last September some of the CR1000s that were built had a hardware mod that could cause the datalogger not to connect. The fix, if this is the problem, is easy to implement. From correspondence describing the problem:

"The procedure consists of removing a cover plate from the wiring panel, removing a washer from under the large screw, then replacing the cover plate. This change will not affect the performance of your CR1000 or void its warranty. The accompanying document includes step-by-step instructions for this procedure."

Please contact any applications engineer at Campbell Scientific if you would like a copy of the instructions emailed to you.

If the datalogger wiring panel is seated properly and you continue to have problems, please contact an AE for additional help.



KevinW Apr 14, 2009 07:13 PM


* Do you have a keyboard display? If so, can you use it to see values in the Status table or settings in the datalogger?
Nope, I do not have a keyboard unit.

* Is the datalogger grounded properly?
Probably not according to the manual, but it has power properly connected and the PC would get ground thru the cable. No earth ground available in the lab.

* Is a regulated source of power being used?
Yes, a lab power supply set at 12.5V is being used.

* Are you connecting the serial cable to the CS I/O port (which requires a special connector) rather than the RS232?
No, I have been connecting to the RS-232 port

* If you have a voltmeter, does the datalogger have 12V on the 12V connector and 5V on the 5V?
I measure 12.44V and 4.98V on the green terminal strip labeled power out. I used the earth ground screw, the cable shield, and the laptop USB connector shield as a ground reference and they all measure the same.

* When you loaded the new OS into the datalogger, did you give it ample time to reset before attempting communication?
No, I probably did not. I read that you had to wait 10 seconds before turning power off, but it didn't say anything about waiting before you tried to use it. I will try that again.

I removed the washer from under the ground screw and reloaded the operating system. The file was transferred, the window came up saying the everything was restored to defaults and it gave me a checksum. I waited 5 minutes after I clicked OK on that window until I tried to connect to it. It still does the same thing. Unable to connect to datalogger.

KevinW Apr 14, 2009 07:32 PM

OK, now I have tried everything. It still does not connect. I have a CR200 that connects great using the same set up. I have no idea why this CR1000 won't connect. I reloaded the OS two more times and waited 5 minutes before I clicked OK on the checksum window. Still nada.
The supply current pulses every 3 seconds. What does the message WDERR mean? That is what it outputs every 3 seconds if you look at it with a terminal emulator. Is that watchdog error? Is that a clue?
Is the baud rate adaptive? I tried to connect using all the settings for baud rate in the pull down menu and none of them worked. The WDERR message comes out at 57600 baud which is not one of the choices in the pull down menu.

Dana Apr 14, 2009 11:19 PM

I believe that yes, the WDERR is a watchdog error, but I have not been able to catch the right person to confirm this (I'm almost positive, but I don't like making statements that might be incorrect -- of course, that doesn't mean I don't make statements that are incorrect :)

See if you can connect as an "unknown" device in DevConfig. Select your COM port, leave the baud at 115200, press Connect.

If the DevConfig screen changes to a "connected" state, press <Enter> a few times to see if you can get a CR1000> prompt. If you get that prompt, type in a 3, which will give you the status table. The first screen of the Status table has a field "WatchdogErrors". This status table value increments each time the watchdog kicks in, and it maxes out at 99.

If you are getting Watchdog errors, I would first make sure that the power is absolutely regulated and you are absolutely, positively grounded properly :) The RS232 port is not optically isolated -- take your laptop off A/C power and run from the battery and see if there is improvement. If you've got an A/C power supply, the laptop is connected via A/C and the datalogger is not grounded, this could be causing the watchdogs.


KevinW Apr 15, 2009 02:18 PM

I tried the unknown device type and it tried all the baud rates and still would not connect.

Is there a way to blow away any security codes that may be applied to the CR1000? It says that if there is a security code enabled, that it will not connect without the proper code entered. If somebody turned the security feature on, I would have no idea what the code would be. Does reloading the operating system wipe out the security code?

- Kevin

Dana Apr 15, 2009 04:11 PM

Downloading an operating system sets the datalogger to factory defaults.

I think it is best you contact Campbell Scientific and speak with an Application Engineer to see if there is something I've missed, or if the unit needs to be returned for repair.


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