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Sending Data over FTP

Hans Sep 16, 2011 06:57 PM

We are trying to send a data file over FTP. With a sniffer program we can see that the AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",[APN] is sent several times but no FTP connection is established.

The code looks like this:
POpen = PPPOpen
FTPSuccess = FTPClient([server],[user],[password],"USR:test.txt","test.txt",2)

Setup is CR1000 (OS Version 18) with Cinterion MC52i. The modem is connected via RS232, no dial response. Echo is on.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance

aps Sep 17, 2011 08:34 AM

First I would advise upgrading to the latest OS from


Then revert to the most basic dial string, as some modems do not like the reset or repeated sending of the AT+CGDCONT command being embedded in the dial string.

Then check if the logger is connecting to the network and is being assigned an IP address. This can be seen at the bottom of the status table, but does require a second connection to the logger to see the table during the connection.

If you do not have a second connection you could monitor the link with the sniffer but beyond seeing the connect response (which has to match that you have put in the PPP settings). It will be hard to confirm this as the PPP negotiation is binary from then on, but you should see a one burst of activity, not repeated dial attempts.

If there are repeated dial attempts make sure the username and password are OK for the network.

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