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Move LoggerNet and Data Files to a New Computer

jllabs Apr 13, 2009 02:06 AM

We recently set up our first remote CR1000 and started using LoggerNet to collect data. Now that everything is working and data is coming in we would like to move LoggerNet to a computer that will serve this function for the long-term.

1) Can the data files collected to date be copied from the test platform to the new computer without any data loss?

2) What files, other then the .dat data table files need to be transferred.

3) Will the CR1000 have any issues with the new computer now polling its data (ie record counts, etc.)?

4) Should I just install LoggerNet on the new system and have it poll all the data during the first download?

jtrauntvein Apr 13, 2009 11:38 AM

With LoggerNet shut down on the old computer, you could easily copy the c:\campbellsci\loggernet directory onto the new computer. A perhaps easier alternative to this is to use the "Backup Network" and "Restore Network" menu options available from "Tools" menu of the setup screen. Given that this option will select all of the files that are critical, I would recommend this alternative.

The CR1000 will not have any issues with another computer polling it. If both computers are going to poll it at the same time, it will be necessary to change the PakBus address of one of the computers. This can be done using the "LoggerNet PakBus Settings" item in the "Options" menu of the setup screen.

jra Apr 14, 2009 02:27 PM

There is a tutorial on the "Backup and Restore" feature available from out Downloads | Tutorials page:
Scroll down to "Backup and Restore Tutorial"


PPeters May 11, 2009 01:19 AM

Further to this comment is there a way of setting up a sync system so multiple laptops can acess the same loggers but only downlaod the latest data?
Then re-sync so all laptops have the most current data and pointers?
Would need the same tree control but what files need to be syncronised. Dont think backup/restore is applicable as each laptop can be used at the same time

jllabs May 11, 2009 02:16 PM

Thank you everyone for your input. As I wanted to move LoggerNet from my laptop that was being used as a temporary test platform to the actual computer that would be collecting the data for the long-term, the Backup and Restore feature worked great. The transfer was totally transparent and simple.

Dana May 11, 2009 05:15 PM

Further to this comment is there a way of setting up a sync system so multiple laptops can acess the same loggers but only downlaod the latest data?
Then re-sync so all laptops have the most current data and pointers?
Would need the same tree control but what files need to be syncronised. Dont think backup/restore is applicable as each laptop can be used at the same time

The closest you can come to this currently is to have a full version of LoggerNet running on one computer, and use LoggerNet Remote from the other computers to log in to that server via TCP/IP. This would allow you to initiate data collection, monitor values, etc. However, in this instance all of the data is still stored on the computer running the server.



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