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Why cant I do this

MortenS Sep 9, 2011 11:28 AM

In my lttle sample program below I try to figure out why it dosn't work.
in TextOK the string is OK
but in TextFail, string is missing when I'm using ISCO_STS_Labels(ISCOStatusArray(STS)).
I don't know what it is called, but maybe some kind of double indexing ?
Const MaxEventStringLength = 40
Const STS = 5' Current Status
Const CRLF = CHR(13)+CHR(10)

Public ISCOStatusLabels(10) As String * MaxEventStringLength
Public ISCOStatusArray(10) As String * 10
Public TextOK As String * 100
Public TextFail As String * 100
Public ISCO_STS_Labels(21) As String * MaxEventStringLength
Public STSCode

'Main Program
Scan (3,Sec,1,0)
TextOK = ""
TextFail = ""
ISCOStatusLabels(STS) = "Current Status"
ISCOStatusArray(STS) = "9"
STSCode = ISCOStatusArray(STS)
TextOK = ISCOStatusLabels(STS) + "(STS) : " + ISCO_STS_Labels(STSCode)+"("+STSCode+")" + CRLF
TextFail = ISCOStatusLabels(STS) + "(STS) : " + ISCO_STS_Labels(ISCOStatusArray(STS))+"("+ISCOStatusArray(STS)+")" + CRLF

aps Sep 9, 2011 01:32 PM

The problem is that you are using a string variable as the index value for the array. Although CRBasic does some implicit type conversion this is one step too far, i.e. it is not converting the string to a number correctly, resulting in the run-time out of bounds error(look in the status table).

If the iscostatusarray is defined as a float or integer it works fine. Also if you use STSCode as the index it works fine, because the conversion from a string to number is done when you say STSCode is equal to the string.


MortenS Sep 9, 2011 03:43 PM


Thanks for the explanation

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