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Loggernet closes SDK connection

geoffm Sep 8, 2011 05:10 AM

I have a very difficult issue that has been plaguing me for a while. Unfortunately I can't reproduce the issue consistently.

I have an automated program that spins off advisors for each table (I wish you could do one advisor for each station, but oh well), and then inserts the results into a database. I have this connection to our loggernet server going constantly. I get the error "csidsFailureSession" and find that the connection to loggernet has been closed. Sometimes this will happen an hour after I start the application other times it will be two weeks. I tried getting the application to automatically reconnect on failure but when I do that I no longer get the "RecordsReceived" event. Any idea what could be causing this?

GTProdMgr Sep 8, 2011 04:41 PM

Based on the error you are getting (csiDSFailureSession) you should check the connection between your SDK app and the LoggerNet server. I'm assuming that the LN Server is remote and accessible to the SDK app via TCP/IP. Is the physical TCP/IP connection constant ? Do you have intermittent service ?

The other possibility is that the LoggerNet server is being stopped from time to time. When the LN Server stops, your SDK app will get this error code.

Once the disconnect has occurred on the Data Source control, I would give up on any Advisors that were created by that control before the disconnect (don't try to use them anymore -- dispose them or let them be garbage collected, etc.) I would create new Advisors after re-connecting. I would even consider using a new instance of the Data Source control to connect to LN after the first one has be disconnected.

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