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benefits section

CSLMM Sep 1, 2011 02:01 PM

When I click on the edit icon on the bottom right of the features and benefits/case studies section on a product page I just get an empty box with the name of the page open.

The only way to re-write the benefits (for instance to translate them) seems to be by going though the full cms and doing them one-by-one from the product page?

TRey Sep 1, 2011 10:48 PM

Hi Iain,

That box has been fixed and should now bring up the content for you.

You can access the entire table of benefits through the Full CMS. After you click "Load CMS". You will see a "Benefits" content table in the list on the left. If you click on that you will be able to get to any benefit currently in the database and change it there similar to changing product content.


* Last updated by: TRey on 9/1/2011 @ 4:48 PM *

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