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multiple communications paths

Hilltop Aug 30, 2011 04:09 AM


We have a logger connected up using communications path 1

If we fail to get data via communications path 1 we want to connect the logger to communications path 2.

If communication fails on path 2 we want to connect the logger to communications path 3.

We will be using corascript(ActiveX control) to move the logger to the different communications paths via our own software.

If someone is using the loggernet software would there be any major problems with moving the logger to another communications path whilst they are using the loggernet software?

There will be no scheduled data collection. We will be doing that manually from our software.

Is there a better way to do this using another device or could you recommend another way to do it?

kirving Aug 30, 2011 05:21 AM

We use an intermediate device to handle switching communications paths, so loggernet sees only one path, using a generic modem device. It might be possible to compose a genericDialScript to do what you need, but I failed in the attempt when I tried to do it.

Dana Aug 30, 2011 07:19 PM

Hello Hilltop,

As long as you are moving the same device from one communications route to another, all data collection pointers, filenames, etc will be maintained with that datalogger as you move it.

Dana W.

Hilltop Aug 30, 2011 09:14 PM

Will there be anything we would need to worry about when moving the device?

E.g. users using any of the loggernet software whilst we are moving the device(using the corascript activex in our software)

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