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COM220 Setup 101

JohnTr Aug 23, 2011 08:02 PM

We currently have CR800's bused using MD485. One CR800 is configured as a router and is connected to a PC via RS232 port. The other CR800's are not configured as routers.

The MD485 are connected to each CR800 via SC12 cable connected to the CSIO port on the CR800. All MD485 are configured with ActivePorts = CS I/O and RS485 and CS I/O Mode = SDC Address 7.

And this all works fine. We can communicate with each datalogger.

Now we want to connect to this network via COM220. This is connected to the CR800 router via the SC12 cable and the phone line. We can call the phone line and get a connection as evidenced by the data tones from the speaker. We are using a Windows 7 communications program and an internal PC modem to make the connection.

Here is the problem: From LoggerNet we cannot connect to the CR800s. We believe that we have to make some changes to the MD485 configuration and the CR800 router configuration, but, after wading through the documentation for all the devices we have no firm grasp on what these settings should be.

You help is appreciated.


Sam Aug 24, 2011 04:39 AM


You mentioned that the SDC Address of the MD485 connected to the router is "7". The default SDC address for the COM220 is also "7". My guess is that they are both "7" so the logger is confused who/how to talk to the attached devices.

I would suggest changing the SDC address for the COM220 to "8". Remove the COM220 cover and flip dip switch #2 to the closed position. For more info, reference Page 1, Figure 1 of the COM220 manual located at


jtrauntvein Aug 24, 2011 02:26 PM

You might want to try modelling your network with the network planner tool. It should support all of the links that you have specified and will take care of specifying the settings that are needed including the DIP switch settings for the COM220.

JohnTr Aug 24, 2011 02:51 PM

Would these suggestions explain why I cannot hear the phone line connecting with the COM220 when using Loggernet. When I use Windows Hyperterm to dial the COM220 I get a responding data transmission and response "warrble".

When using Loggernet I do not get any sound.

Virginia Technologies, Inc.

JohnTr Aug 24, 2011 06:49 PM

Went back to Network Planner and started a completely new set up that recommended that I set the COM220 to SDC7 and the MD485 to SDC8.

Interestingly it recommended that all the CR800's be set as routers. In my previous configurations I had set one CR800 as a router and the remainder as leafs (not routers).

Well anyway, I still cannot get communications with the network from LoggerNet or the Connect screens. Status monitor shows my com port as off line.

When I try dialing using Hyperterm I get the characteristic sounds of a connecting modem, but get a response of no answer.

Virginia Technologies, Inc.

JohnTr Aug 24, 2011 07:47 PM

Additional information that may be helpful:

PC Internal modem = CX11256.

For the Phone Base configuraton we use Conexant Chip Set.


aps Aug 25, 2011 09:04 AM

If the modem is not being dialled by Loggerent I would suggest either you have selected the wrong "virtual serial port" or it does not like the Conexant Chip set settings.

Although using it does have its downsides can I suggest you try using the TAPI root device in Loggernet instead to dial the modem as this will pick up the modems settings from Windows and drive the modem in a similar way to Hyperterminal, which generally also uses the TAPI driver.

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