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slowsequence Locked on FTPClient

rm Aug 23, 2011 02:31 PM


when I use FTPClient for retrieve data from remote server, i got problem FTPClient never recover (stucked in FTPClient) the function as follow:

FTPLoad=FTPClient (IPAddress,UserName,Password,"CPU:"+ConfigFileName,ConfigFileName,1)

most of the time is ok, but when the modem crash (not responding at the middle of the retrieve data, the FTPClient never be able to recover)

is there any timeout on this FTPClient or it will stay forever in the loop?


JDavis Aug 26, 2011 08:15 PM

Be sure you are using the latest datalogger operating system. There were some cases in older operating systems where a broken FTP connection could make FTPClient lock up.

FTPClient should time out within a few minutes.

rm Aug 27, 2011 01:04 AM

Hi JDavis,

thanks for the response.

currently the os is version 22. This much better than previos OS (before was OS 17) then we upgrade and do some test with OS22, everything bugs in FTP OS17 solved only this issue stll happen. (previously we send or retrieve file under 1KB, but now we need to send download program file which is about 60KB).

for file under 1KB, for sending to FTP always OK, but for retrieve file from FTP sometimes have problem (not always). (locked inside FTPClient). The CR1 compiled in Sequential Mode.

if we rerieve file above 1K, FTPClient always locked.

I already make sure the Modem MTU (set to default = 1450) set higher than CR1000 MCU (maximum data packed in CR1000 is 1000)

any other idea?

best regards,

Sam Aug 29, 2011 07:23 PM


I am not for certain, but the issue may be related to a bug in OS22 where the FTPClient did not time out and move on if the connection is not made (it keeps trying and trying forever). In the next OS release it will time out after approximately 80 seconds.

rm Aug 29, 2011 10:54 PM

hi Sam,

thanks for this info.

yes. once the conection lost in the middle of transaction, it stay in loop forever. But if the first time no connection it will be time out about 1 minute.

In transaction a big file, what can cause it lose connection. In the FTP server, doesn't have any problem, we try using FTPZilla.

I tried active conection also passive connection, both have the same issue.


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