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MD485 Network

JohnTr Aug 16, 2011 04:21 PM

We have 3 CR800s that we have tested individually with their sensors and all work well.

We are imnplementing a RS-485 network. All the MD485's have been configured for CSIO/RS485. The CR800 are each connected to MD485 via CSIO cable SC12. The first CR800 is currently connected to a PC via RS232 for testing and that datalogger is set up as a router. The remaining dataloggers are configured as leafs.

1. I cannot communicate with the third datalogger in Setup or in Connect screens.
2. I have switched dataloggers positions in the network and get the same results, no comm with the third but have comm with the first and second.
3. I have switch MD485 postions in the network and get the same results, no comm with the third datalogger but have comm with the first and second.

I am really confused at this point. I have checked the set up of the dataloggers to ensure that they are the same.

jtrauntvein Aug 16, 2011 04:53 PM

The proper operation of the network is going to depend upon the ability of the datalogger that functions as a router to learn of its neighbours on the RS485 network. In order to do this, either the router or the leaf nodes (or both) will need to be set up to beacon. Alternatively, these relationships can be set up in the program of the routing datalogger using the StaticRoute() function.

There are, of course, other reasons why the network is not functioning as expected. These can include bad cables, bad connections, power problems, and noise.

JohnTr Aug 17, 2011 09:28 PM

Thanks. Rather than beacon, I set up neighbor lists for each datalogger. All is working well.

PakBus Networking Guide proved to be a big help.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.

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