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What's New Grouping

TracyAU Aug 15, 2011 07:09 AM


I see there are 4 products listed by default (from your site) on the What's New page. They are different from the What's New that appears on the homepage. Where are these drawn from?

I also worked on the text block for the newsletter link from the homepage but it's obviously not linked in yet. What text block does that come from? I can't seem to get any info as to what component it is from the tools.

While we're at it - where is that other component coming from (cs100 Warns of Lightning...)?



Admin Aug 16, 2011 03:18 AM


Right now the What's New on the home page isn't synched with the What's new in the CMS. We'll be synching those soon. In the meantime you can set up your What's New in the database so they'll be what you want when the component is ready. To do this you go to "Content Lists and Groupings", click All, then select What's New. A search of that menu will bring up products.

The newsletter block isn't integrated yet and isn't editable. Raina would like to have that part of the component be a little more customizable, so we'll probably make that part of it a text component. I'll post when it's editable.

The other spot (right now CS110 video), will be an open position that you use for whatever content you want--most likely a text block component to take user deeper into your site.


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