Specialized Enclosures / ENC200-CSA
This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: ENC8/10. Some accessories, replacement parts, or services may still be available.
ENC200-CSA Enclosure for CR200X-Series Dataloggers
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The ENC200 is a very small enclosure that was designed to hold one CR200(X)-series datalogger and the 16869 Sealed Rechargeable Battery. The data logger is secured to the ENC200 with screws and grommets; the battery is held in place with a Velcro strap. Five compression fittings are provided for sensor cable entry; there are also specialized connectors for a solar panel, antenna, and system ground. 

Note: The ENC200 is retired. If a small enclosure is needed for a CR300 or CR310 datalogger, Campbell Scientific recommends using the ENC8/10

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Benefits and Features

  • White, UV-stabilized enclosure reflects solar radiation—reducing temperature gradients inside the enclosure without requiring a separate radiation shield


Technical Description

Applications with minimal power requirements can use the ENC200 enclosure to house the data logger and the pn 16869 sealed rechargeable battery. It is a very small enclosure.

The logger is secured to the ENC200 with screws and grommets; the battery is held in place with a Velcro strap. Five compression fittings are provided for sensor cable entry; there are also specialized connectors for a solar panel, antenna, and system ground.

Note: For a CR206X, CR211X, or CR216X enclosed in an ENC200, it is necessary to use an antenna. Compatible antennas are listed in the “Common Accessories” section of the Ordering Info page for each data logger:

An antenna is not necessary for the CR200X because it doesn’t have a radio. An antenna is also not necessary for the CR295X because it uses a GOES satellite transmitter.


The ENC200 enclosure can house a CR200(X)-series datalogger and the 16869 sealed rechargeable battery. It cannot house a barometer or a battery that is larger than the 16869.


  • 15.9 x 12.7 x 6.1 cm (6.25 x 5 x 2.4 in.) internal
  • 17.0 x 14.0 x 9.5 cm (6.7 x 5.5 x 3.7 in.) external of box, excluding connectors

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