Campbell Scientific Australia lists information about companies who use or recommend our products. To request a listing, fill out and submit the form below.

Enter your company name. Serves as the title of your listing.
Describe your products or services with respect to Campbell Scientific products (200 word max). Descriptions of projects you've done are submitted on another page.
Upload your company logo or photo. Must be a JPG, GIF, BMP, or TIF and <1MB.
List the states or regions you work in (e.g. NSW, SE Asia, Australia).
Enter the name of the person we should contact at your office (not shown on listing).
List the email address of the contact (not shown on listing).
List the public phone number of the company (shown on listing).
List the email address for the company (shown on listing).
List the company website address (shown on listing).
List the company address (shown on listing).
List the URL of the page on your site where you reference us or our products and link to us.

Select up to three applications that match your company. Press "Ctrl" as you click to select more than one.

We recommend that you submit case studies (after you submit this form) for the applications you select. These are included with your listing and demonstrate the work you do.

Enter any questions, concerns, or suggestions you have.

Leave this field empty

Promoting Your Company

Currently, our website receives over a half million visits each year. You can promote your company on our site in the following ways:

(1) Apply for a listing.

Your listing describes your areas of expertise and the products and services you offer. Your listing will appear on the appropriate Solutions pages (see form at left).

(2) Submit case studies.

If you submit brief descriptions of projects you've done using our dataloggers, we'll list those projects with your listing--and possibly from an applicable Solutions page. Case Study Submission form

(3) Exhange links.

To publish a link on our website to yours, we require a reciprocal link from your website to ours. Exchanging website links helps communicate that we have a working relationship and can help both sites perform better in search engines.